going out vs going in / Bas les masques!
Eng “Always the same joke, applied once to a peak of pollution that forced to come out masked and another time to the coronavirus crisis. Fortunately, Joe is there to unmask the truth.”
Fr « Toujours la même blague, appliquée une fois à un pic de pollution qui obligeait à sortir masqué et une autre fois à la crise du coronavirus. Heureusement, Joe est là pour démasquer la supercherie. »
Be the judge!
07.17.2020 - 16:38
That’s not an official creative from durex. Check out their social media handles : https://www.instagram.com/durex.india/
Joe La Pompe
07.18.2020 - 11:26
@nik if you have any informations about who did it and when or where it was released I’ll be more than pleased to know. I couldn’t find more credentials.