Fake OO(H)riginality / Un train de retard?
THE ORIGINAL? Fanta / Fake OOH – 03-2024 Click the image to enlarge Source : Watch the Fake OOH CGI Video Agency : Essence Mediacom (Belgium) |
LESS ORIGINAL Paname Brewing Company / Fake OOH – 10-2024 Click the image to enlarge Source : Watch the Fake OOH CGI Video Agency : Pickers (France) |
Be the judge!
Eng “In these two "Fake OOH" (a very fashionable advertising trend these days), a subway made of beverage cans enters a train station. These kind of CGI videos tend to look more and more alike and it's getting a bit boring. Copycat or coincidence? Be the judge!”
Fr « Dans ces deux "Fake OOH" un train formé de wagons canettes arrive à quai à la grande surprise des usagers. Au train ou vont les choses, ce genre de vidéos truquées tendent de plus en plus à se ressembler. Gare aux copycats! Coïncidence? À vous de juger! »