Joe la Pompe, since 1999

“Masked to unmask copycats.”

The scariest halloween look / Humour ultra contagieux?

Public Health Center / Halloween – 2020
« Scariest halloween mask »
« Please wear a mask » Covid-19 awareness
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : Angry, Kiev (Ukraine)
82.5 Mumbai Creative Agency / Halloween – 2020
« The scariest look, this halloween »
« Please wear a mask » Covid-19 awareness
Source : Luerzer’s International Archive Issue 5/2020
Agency : 82.5 Mumbai (India)

Eng “Not wearing a mask is the scariest Halloween look this year. Both ads were created around the same joke, which spread as fast as the covid-19 virus. The first one is more scary in my opinion...”

Fr « Le déguisement le plus flippant à Halloween en temps de pandémie c'est de ne pas porter de masque! Les deux annonces jouent exactement sur la même blague, qui a fait le tour du monde plus vite que la covid. Flippant? À vous de juger. »

Be the judge!

  • TillTillTill

    03.01.2021 - 15:59

    The Ukranian version is better executed visually. The Indian headline is much better though. Is one of them a copycat? I don’t think so.

  • Joe La Pompe

    03.01.2021 - 16:33

    @Till no, I don’t think it’s a copycat, that’s why I put « THE ORIGINAL? » under both ones. It’s just interesting to compare.

  • HS

    09.14.2021 - 21:10


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