Joe la Pompe, since 1999

“Masked to unmask copycats.”

Grandpa is training for christmas / Haltères égo?

Valle Camonica Servizi « A christmas story » – 2017
Watch the Short Film (Vimeo)
Source : Vimeo, Febo Films
Director : Paolo Tresoldi (Italy)
DocMorris « Take care » – 2020
Watch the TV Commercial (You Tube)
Source : Adsoftheworld, Independant (UK)
Agency : Jung Von Matt SAGA (Germany)

Eng “Both films are featuring a grandfather on his quest for fitness, doing his slow workout routine throughout the days, and then visits his family for Christmas. When his granddaughter (or grandson) appears, he’s able to lift her/him up so he/she can place the star at the top of the christmas tree. The DocMorris video has so far clocked up more than 6.5 million views on YouTube! What a shame considering it's the remake of an already existing Italian scenario!”

Fr « Les deux films présentent un grand-père dans sa quête de remise en forme, faisant sa gymnastique au fil des jours, puis qui va rendre visite à sa famille pour Noël. Lorsque sa petite-fille (ou son petit-fils) apparaît, il est capable de le / la soulever pour qu'il / elle puisse placer l'étoile au sommet du sapin. La vidéo de DocMorris a déjà enregistrée plus de 6,5 millions de vues sur YouTube et a reçu des commentaires élogieux dans de grands médias internationaux! Quel scandale vu que c'est le remake quasi inchangé d'un scénario italien déjà existant! »

Be the judge!

  • Anja

    12.17.2020 - 12:34

    It is evidently a case of plagiarism at the expense of Febo Film and Paolo Tresoldi.

  • Giuly

    12.17.2020 - 12:39

    I would like to point that althought the 2017 video was made by director Paolo Tresoldi, it wasn’t produced by FEBO FILMS, but by I DIFFICILI, which was a production company in Italy that doesn’t exist anymore. The only source for his video should be Paolo Tresoldi’s Vimeo link :

  • Daniele

    12.17.2020 - 13:07

    Plagio alla grande. Che infami però.

  • Silvio

    12.17.2020 - 13:09


  • Francesca Gnocchi

    12.17.2020 - 13:21

    Well….It looks that you are a big agency with not enought ideas! Come on guys the story Is the same and there are too many references to the Paolo Tresoldi’s video , this Is a plagio.Jo doubt

  • Cristiano

    12.17.2020 - 13:27

    Schifosamente plagio

  • Stefano Berardi

    12.17.2020 - 13:27

    Senza dubbio un plagio clamoroso.

  • Sara Rendina

    12.17.2020 - 13:29

    A very good copy, maybe better than the original, but still A COPY!

  • chiara

    12.17.2020 - 15:20

    evidentissimo plagio

  • Davide Nesti

    12.17.2020 - 15:27

    Incredibile quanto siano identici.
    Plagio assokuto!!

  • Maures

    12.17.2020 - 16:29

    Stessa idea, budget diversi: il grosso prepotente che ruba al piccolo?

  • Phil

    12.17.2020 - 16:51

    Das ist die Original Video!

  • Virginia

    12.17.2020 - 19:59

    Vergognatevi migliore spot della anno.
    Comodo copiare

  • Filipp

    12.18.2020 - 17:45

    Copy, but looks better then original.

  • Paolo Tresoldi

    12.20.2020 - 13:52

    Carissimi amici e colleghi, innanzitutto grazie a tutti di cuore per il supporto.

    Nei giorni scorsi abbiamo avuto modo di confrontarci con l’agenzia Jung von Matt , abbiamo trovato un interlocutore intelligente, onesto e professionale, grazie alla loro collaborazione la situazione si è risolta amichevolmente.
    L’agenzia ha riconosciuto i diritti d’autore e ha collaborato con noi per risolvere questa spiacevole situazione.
    Si avvicina il Natale di questo difficile 2020, questo film rappresenta ancor di più la volontà da parte di tutti di affrontare con il sorriso questo momento impegnativo.
    Grazie a Stephan e tutti i ragazzi di JvM.

    Quella che poteva sembrare una situazione complicata si è invece rivelata un’altra bella storia di Natale.

    Paolo Tresoldi

    Dear friends and colleagues, first of all thank you very much for your support.

    In recent days, we had the opportunity to meet with the @JungvonMatt agency, we found an intelligent, honest and professional interlocutor, thanks to their collaboration the situation was resolved amicably.
    The agency has recognized copyrights and worked with us to resolve this unfortunate situation.
    The Christmas of this difficult 2020 is approaching, this film represents even more the will on the part of everyone to face this challenging moment with a smile.
    Thanks to Stephan and all the guys from JvM.

    What might have seemed a complicated situation turned out to be another beautiful Christmas story.

    Paolo Tresoldi

  • Leo Malt

    12.27.2020 - 11:50

    You guys are fucking morons. You honestly think this is a copy just because someone has the same idea? People are so full of themselves. No one ever heard of this other film!! The people, who did the other film are total nobodies. This is such typical bullshit. Every time a film gets a lot of success, some idiot feels jealous and claims plagiarism. The Italian film is super boring and super bad. Just because you can find similar shots means nothing. This is so pathetic. This whole website is pathetic.

  • Joe La Pompe

    01.05.2021 - 11:14

    @Leo Malt Thank for your comment. I respect your point of view even if I have the feeling that your language is a bit too rude and offensive.
    It’s pretty hard to deny that it’s not just a screenshot lookalike, the whole story / scenario is identical! I agree on the fact that German film is better executed, but it’s very excessive to assume that the other one is « super bad ». It’s your own view and not a reality in any way.

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