Joe la Pompe, since 1999

“Masked to unmask copycats.”

An urgent need for gymnastics / Un peu grosse la coïncidence?

Penalty Running Shoes – 2011
“The more you run, the shorter the distance”
Source : Ad Forum, Cannes Lions BRONZE
Agency : Havas Z+ Sao Paulo (Brazil)
Kentoya Fitness Club – 2020
Click on the image to enlarge
Source : Lüerzer’s International Archive
Agency : VCCP Prague (Czech Republic)

Eng “The creative concept and the execution are very similar: close-up on an overweight man whose t-shirt has become too short ... and materialization of the distance that must be reduced by sport. The first one was awarded at Cannes Lions back in 2011. The difference is very thin. Copycat or coincidence? Be the judge!”

Fr « Le concept créatif et l'éxecution sont très similaires : gros plan sur un homme en surpoids dont le t-shirt est devenu trop court... et materialisation de la distance qu'il faut réduire par le sport. Niveau originalité ... c'est un peu maigre! »

Be the judge!


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