Drink responsibly. Literally / Copycat : Le meilleur du beer?
THE ORIGINAL? Alberta Liquor & Gaming Commission – 2013 « Responsibly Beer » – Zero alcohol beer Source : ACE Awards Distinction Agency : Calder Bateman (Canada) |
LESS ORIGINAL UBrew Brewery – 2017 « Responsibly Pale Ale » – Zero alcohol beer Source : Cannes Lions SILVER Agency : MRM Mc Cann Milan (Italy) |
Eng “Both specially created beer brands are named Responsibly. The idea was to play on the very common slogan ‘drink responsibly’ to catch people’s attention. One was used to raise awareness on excessive alcohol consumption, the other to raise awareness on a new local brewery.”
Fr « Buvez "avec Modération" (c'est le nom de la bière). Tellement identique qu'il faut le boire pour le croire. Une idée que l'on va nous resservir jusqu'à plus soif? Dans la copie de concepts publicitaires comme dans la consommation d'alcool, les excès sont toujours dangereux. »
Be the judge!
Joe La Pompe
05.17.2017 - 14:43
Looks like a small brewery from Nebraska even did this joke before : https://untappd.com/user/Demon4x4/checkin/449641746
05.31.2017 - 14:26
Ne serait-ce pas la copie d’une copie du spot de prévention de l’INPES datant de 2008 « Boire TROP des sensations trop extrêmes » ?
lien : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-qPfm_b7fk
Joe La Pompe
05.31.2017 - 18:03
@Nicolas ahah bien vu, je ne m’en rappelais plus (du faux pack « TROP » à la fin)
06.06.2017 - 12:49
The more original?
Chip Shop Awards, 2010.
Joe La Pompe
06.06.2017 - 13:00
@Archie thanks for the link. You’re right it may be the original one after all.
06.29.2017 - 12:00
Is true that the name is the same, but the campaing of the 1st one, what it is? They did something?
Because the comunication of the second one is taking advantage of the much-advertised message “Drink Responsibly” of the other beers (the big ones) . And the spots, and the posters are very funny….. Is not just the beer name, is also the rest that counts no?