Joe la Pompe, since 1999

“Masked to unmask copycats.”

A repeating mistake / Tattoo à refaire?

bobmarleyTribute2010 bobmarleytribute2014_Filadelfia bobmarleytribute2015
Marley tattoo – 2010
Source : BadTattoos
98FM Radio Station – 2014
Source : Adforum
Agency : Filadelfia (Brazil)
Endless Pain Tattoo & piercing – 2015
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : Revolution (Brazil)

Eng “This mistake is so funny that it seems the the creatives are recycling it continuously. Maybe it's time to move on to another joke? I seriously doubt that award shows jury members will laugh eternally at it.”

Fr « Ok c'est amusant, mais peut-être pas au point de recycler le fail à l'infini pour toutes les marques. Les blagues les plus courtes sont les meilleures... En pub quand t'es créatif, tattoo intérêt à trouver des idées neuves si tu veux garder ton boulot. »

Be the judge!

  • Mike Mystery

    01.19.2016 - 9:03

    The Original T-shirt, featured in the middle ad, was released by african apparel about 7 years ago. So i’d say they were all stolen from the t-shirt.

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