Joe la Pompe, since 1999

“Masked to unmask copycats.”

Camelback-to-back / Dos à Dos (de chameau)

back2005 back2010
Mitsubishi « The New Montero »  – 2005
Source : Cannes Archive Online,
Agency : Remo, Madrid (Spain)
Jeep « How far can you go? » – 2010
Source : Adsoftheworld, Luerzer’s International Archive
Agency : Markom Leo Burnett Istanbul (Turkey)

Eng “The Jeep baseline is "How far can you go?". I would like to ask the question to the creative team in charge of Jeep in Istanbul. Because I'm sure they can go a little more deeper into creativity. This idea has been already used in various similar ways before, and it's really easy to find out.”

Fr « Ça "bosse fort" du côté d'Istanbul, mais visiblement pas assez pour trouver des idées originales. Pas de chance, Joe, tel le chameau, est dôté d'une grande mémoire! »

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