Joe la Pompe, since 1999

“Masked to unmask copycats.”

AI generated copycat? / IA pas une grosse différence…

Mc Donald’s x Coca-Cola / Surreal Burgers – 2023
« Generate your burger using AI and
share it via social media and win coupons »
Click the image to enlarge
Source : GKPB
Agency : Ogilvy (Brazil)
Burger King / Million Dollar Whopper – 2024
« Generate a Whopper using AI
and win a prize of 1 Million pounds »
Click the image to enlarge
Source : BK Newsroom
Agency : MediaMonks (United Kingdom)

Eng “Inviting users to generate funny visual stuff based on your product (a burger) using A.I and share their creations via social media is the most common thing these days. I almost don't consider this as a proper creative idea. Copycat, coïncidence or just another trend that everyone is getting into? Be the judge!”

Fr « Inviter les utilisateurs à générer des visuels à l'aide de l'IA et à partager leurs créations via les réseaux sociaux est la chose la plus courante de nos jours. Il ne se passe presque pas un mois sans qu'une opé fonctionne de cette manière. Je ne considère presque pas cela comme une idée créative en soi. Bref, il semblerait que avec l'IA ça pompe à longueur de Midjourney! Copie, coïncidence ou simple comportement moutonnier? À vous de juger! »

Be the judge!

  • Daniel Castro

    03.01.2024 - 21:29

    It is undeniable that the copying of marketing strategies is a common phenomenon in the business world. However, it is essential to recognize when a thin line is crossed, leading to a clear ethical and legal violation. In the case at hand, the company that replicated the AI-driven marketing campaign of its competitor not only adopted a similar strategy but also reproduced the concept, approach, and even the intended outcomes.

    By arguing that inviting users to create funny images of a product using artificial intelligence is commonplace today, the company in question attempts to devalue the originality and creativity behind the pioneering campaign. However, this assertion overlooks the fact that originality lies not only in the technique used but also in the unique conception and innovative execution of an idea.

    The pioneering company invested considerable time, resources, and efforts in the research and development of a marketing campaign that not only creatively utilized artificial intelligence but also engaged customers in a unique way, stimulating interaction and brand engagement. By copying this campaign, the infringing company not only improperly appropriated the work of others but also undermined the reputation and ethical integrity of the market as a whole.

    Moreover, it is important to emphasize that intellectual property and innovation are essential elements for the progress and sustainable development of companies and society as a whole. The lack of respect for these principles not only harms the directly affected companies but also discourages creativity and innovation, compromising long-term market growth and competitiveness.

    Therefore, it is evident that the company that replicated its competitor’s AI-driven marketing campaign acted unethically and illegally, violating the fundamental principles of originality, respect for intellectual property, and fair competition. This action cannot be dismissed as a mere coincidence or common practice in the business world but rather as a clear violation of the rights and values that govern commercial and social relations.

  • Gabriel Cavalheiro

    05.13.2024 - 11:07

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