The same « mistakes » twice / Copie non accidentelle
THE ORIGINAL? New Zealand Transport Agency « Mistakes » (Road Safety) – 2014 Watch the TV Commercial (You Tube) Source : EPICA GOLD, Cannes Lions GOLD, NY Festivals 1st Prize Agency : Clemenger BBDO (New Zealand) |
LESS ORIGINAL SOS Malus Insurance – 2024 Watch the TV Commercial Source : Tik Tok Creator : Royza (France) |
Eng “Just a lame french remake (almost identical frame by frame) of a famous TV Commercial (awarded Gold at the Cannes Lions). Social media platforms like Tik-Tok are just a huge place for recycling old TV concepts and made them look new again. Hommage, tribute or pure copycat? Be the judge!”
Fr « S.O.S Malus en mode S.O.S manque d'idées? Comment un assureur censé encourager les bonnes pratiques (au volant) peut-il se rendre coupable d'un telle sortie de route éthique en commettant un plagiat aussi grossier? Hommage (non sourcé) ou contrefaçon balourde? À vous de juger! »
Be the judge!
07.17.2024 - 13:03
Same was done in Poland:
Joe La Pompe
07.18.2024 - 9:23
@Adam wow thanks, it’s exactly the same! Totally shameless
07.22.2024 - 11:01