Joe la Pompe, since 1999

“Masked to unmask copycats.”

Burka is like a prison / L’originalité a mis les voiles

ISHR for Human Rights – 2008
“Stop the oppression of women in the islamic world”
Click the image to enlarge
Source : AdSpots
Agency : Grabarz & Partners Hamburg (Germany)
Boomerang Agency – Human Rights – 2021
“Behind the burka” (in Afghanistan)
Click the image to enlarge
Source : Best Ads On TV
Agency : Boomerang Com. (Morocco)

Eng “A very simple visual idea that unfortunately has already been done before (and with a better photography and crafting). I had to unveil this case and even if it's simple and powerful, I'm not convinced by the opportunity to do it once again. Copycat or coincidence? Be the judge!”

Fr « Ok c'est pour la bonne cause, mais je me devais de dévoiler la vérité. Ce remake manque de talent et n'a pas la qualité visuelle du premier. Dès lors pourquoi refaire en moins bien? Bukopycat ou coïncidence? À vous de juger! »

Be the judge!


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