Joe la Pompe, since 1999

“Masked to unmask copycats.”

Probably the worst copycat in the world / Pompe à bière?

Carlsberg Beer – 2015
Free beer poured directly from advertising space
“Probably the best poster in the world »
Source : EPICA Awards SILVER, Cannes Lions BRONZE
Agency : Fold7 London (United Kingdom)
Volfas Engelman– 2020
Free non alcoholic beer
poured from ad space
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : JC Decaux (Lithuania)

Eng “The creative idea? Build a beer tap inside a regular ad space (billboard or column) and serve free beer to the people passing by. The first one was more clever with a funny line "probably the best poster in the world", while the second one looks like a cheap remake made for the international brewer's day.”

Fr « L'idée créative? Installer une pompe à bière directement dans un espace publicitaire extérieur afin d'offrir un verre aux passants. Probablement une grosse pompe (à bière)? À vous de juger. Le communiqué de presse de l'opération Lithuanienne annonce pourtant un procédé innovant et inhabituel. LOL. »

Be the judge!


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