Blank edition newspaper / Un Grand-Prix vidé de son originalité?
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THE ORIGINAL? 20 Minutes – 2007 “Freedom of press” Source : CB News Ag : La Chose (FR) |
LESS ORIGINAL Sozcu Daily Newspaper – 2017 “May 19. Press freedom edition” Source : AP News Agency : Unknown (Turkey) |
LESS ORIGINAL An Nahar Lebanon – 2019 “The blank issue” Source : Cannes press GRAND-PRIX Agency : Impact BBDO (UAE/Lebanon) |
Eng “I surely can't say if it's a copycat or a coincidence but this blank edition of a daily newspaper is clearly something that has been done before. The problem is that Al Nahar just won a Cannes Lions Grand-Prix for this not so new idea. I can understand that the context matters and also the way it's crafted, but is it worth the supreme distinction? Be the judge! I would love to hear your comments on this.”
Fr « Je ne veux surtout pas hurler au plagiat, mais cette édition vierge d'un quotidien est clairement une idée de coup média qui a déjà été faite auparavant. Le problème c'est qu’Al-Nahar vient de remporter un Grand Prix aux Cannes Lions pour cette idée pas si neuve. Je peux comprendre que le contexte compte et aussi la manière dont il a été conçu, mais cela mérite-t-il la distinction suprême? Pour moi c'est non! Jugez vous même! Je suis curieux d'avoir votre avis la dessus... »
06.18.2019 - 16:44
Blank Paper, 2011 in Peru :
06.18.2019 - 19:36
Here’s another one:
The day football disappeared for a sports newspaper in Peru. It won gold in cannes in 2012
06.18.2019 - 20:37
aaaaaand another one:
Clarin in Argentina
06.19.2019 - 3:47
What happend with this Festival?
Wooh I thought that this resource had only seen him in this iconic Peruvian campaign remembered by several creatives: (« Fight against violence » – Bocón – Agencia Causa – 2011)
This proves once again that there is no creative requirement on the part of the Cannes jury, where creativity is supposed to be rewarded (something new, innovative, innovative). If practitioners are required at the time of applying for an agency to present a portfolio with ideas that have never been seen before, new, innovative, innovative, that do not use repetitive resources, why do not the same apply to large agencies? ?
06.19.2019 - 15:12
Bloody Lebanese
06.19.2019 - 17:56
What’s more disgusting is that it was made by a guy from Perú (The original « El Bocon » idea is from Perú) who just took old peruvian ideas and sold them as new in Dubai. Also, this guy came from the agency CIRCUS, that is well known for constantly stealing other people’s work!
von Snork
06.20.2019 - 7:35
First thought when I saw it: I’ve seen this hundreds of times. It was done back in Sweden in 90’s already
06.24.2019 - 8:33
It was done by An-Anhar itself in the 70’s. The idea is not the paper to be blank, that’s not even an idea, the idea is to have people writing on it. The team should have had a different name and no one would have flinched. Just look at the case study guys.
09.17.2019 - 16:52
The creative director Tres Colacion who did this is a self-professed ‘stealer’ of ideas, he believes he does not need to come up with his own ideas. In his own words – “Why should I think of ideas when the entire world is thinking of ideas that I can be “inspired” from?”
Tres Colacion has stayed true to his word and his lack of thinking. He has stolen ideas and credit for ideas, backstabbed creatives who worked with him and cheated others who trusted him. Tres Colacion has been able to get away everytime because of the way he operates. Every agency Tres Colacion does two things:
1 – He has intentional ego clashes with all those who work under him or are junior to him. He belittles them. He does this to throw them off their game and establish his superiority.
2 – He sucks up to everyone above him. For example: Tres Colacion was known to buy and hand deliver coffee to senior management every day at 9.30AM.
This is how Tres Colacion ensures he can get away with doing absolutely nothing.
He does not ever think of his own ideas. Nor does he ever do his own writing, despite being a copywriter.
On two separate occasions, after having stolen ideas from junior creatives who presented those ideas to him, Tres Colacion pushed them off the project because he didn’t want to share credit, bombarded them with briefs so they had to work late nights and weekends and, threatened to fire them. He made their life miserable to an extent that all of them resigned on their own.
A look at his website at and a few google searches will tell you the same.
One more example:
The Toxic Flag – “inspired” by John Gerrard’s art. Tres Colacion copied the idea and when an award show caught it, he added the artist in the credits.
Advice from creatives who’s careers Tres Colacion has ruined:
Tres Colacion is a bully. And like with every bully if you stand up to him he will back away and start playing dirty politics behind your back. So keep both eyes open.
When presenting ideas to Tres Colacion, ensure you are never alone. Your idea will be Tres Colacion’s idea when you leave the room and you will never get credit. It is better to email Tres Colacion with ideas because then you have proof that those ideas are yours.
Incase Tres Colacion offers to help you on one of your projects or ideas, or gives you unsolicited advice, try your best to avoid him. This is how he gets on projects before he kicks you out of it.
09.20.2019 - 14:36
Actually, in Brazil we had a military dictatorship which installed in 1968 a way to control newspapers. In order to not be arrested publishing the news about tortures, corruption or economic decline, the journalists leave the area blank or put cake recepies. And I am not optimistic about our future in a global way. Free speech had been misrepresent by numerous leaders that call anything they don’t like « Fake news ». I don’t think it is original de idea of blank paper, but sure it is corageous to stand againsta censorship and deserves to be prized.
09.20.2019 - 14:43
I’m sorry for the post above, my keyboard is set on portuguese and
interfered. Again:
Actually, in Brazil we had a military dictatorship which installed rules in 1968 to control newspapers. Stories about tortures, corruption or economic decline were motives for the army to step in. So the reporters leave the area blank or put cake recepies.
It’s not a original idea. But it’s corageous and should be prized.
09.20.2019 - 21:31
I wish I was this Tres Colacion, sounds like the Devil to me.
10.25.2019 - 11:57
Got a Cannes Shortlist in 2006 in Montréal for the campaign « Words Matter » for The Gazette
Joe La Pompe
02.01.2021 - 12:05
2018 Chicago Sun Times :
Joe La Pompe
04.02.2024 - 10:47
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