Joe la Pompe, since 1999

“Masked to unmask copycats.”

One drop bottle / Mini pack, maxi ressemblance?

one_drop2012 one_drop2016
Sunlight « World smallest sample »  2012
“One drop = The power of 100 lemons”
Source : Behance
AD : Michele Mari, Milan (Italy)

Pril  Dishwashing Liquid – 2016
« The power of one drop »
Source : Adweek, Dubaï Lynx GOLD

Agency : TBWA\RAAD Dubaï (UAE)


Eng “I have more than a small feeling of deja-vu! The idea is the same here : make a real packaging but at a very small scale. A one drop only pack... to demonstrate the washing capabilities of the dishwashing liquids.”

Fr « Il y a plus qu'un petit air de déjà-vu. Les deux idées publicitaires sont identiques : lancer un mini packaging qui ne contienne qu'une seule dose de produit afin de démontrer le pouvoir dégraissant d'une seule goutte de liquide! Si c'est une copie, c'est vraiment petit, petit. »

Be the judge!

  • Quasi

    05.18.2016 - 18:56

    You are comparing a real campaign to a ghost photoshopped work part of someone’s portfolio? this lacks serious objectivity.

  • Joe La Pompe

    05.18.2016 - 19:00

    Actually the Pril image on the case study movie looks like a bad photoshop to me and this whole direct idea looks like a ghost or at least a proactive « made for Cannes » work and not a real client request. The idea is the same, and the fact that the first one came from a Portfolio doesn’t make it less valuable creatively speaking. That’s my view but I’m open to discussion.

  • Vanessa

    07.08.2016 - 16:35

    Just because it’s… Green ??? O_o

  • Joe La Pompe

    11.07.2016 - 14:19

    @vanessa no just because it’s the exact same idea : making a « one drop only » small packaging to convey the idea that one drop is enough to clean

  • Frizbi

    03.17.2017 - 11:28

    The Pril one exists, saw it and touched in with my own hands. It’s a great execution.

  • Joe La Pompe

    03.31.2017 - 16:53

    Another « One Drop » bottle joke (2017) for Sodastream :

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