Joe la Pompe, since 1999

“Masked to unmask copycats.”

A not so elegant copycat? / Une copie assez peu élégante?

sapeursCongo sapeursAngola
Guinness Beer – 01/2014
Source : Cannes Lions SILVER
Agency : AMV/BBDO London (UK)
Cerveja Cuca (Beer) – 11/2014
Source : YouTube
Agency : TBWA (Angola)

Eng “Seems like there is somehow a connection between beer brands and sapeurs (Society of elegant people). But it looks like Guinness had the idea to use them first. Considering that this campaign has been awarded worldwide (Cannes Lions, One Show...) it's not an elegant move to steal the idea.”

Fr « Voyant sans doute que la campagne Guinness cartonnait dans les festivals créatifs du monde entier, les Angolais ont saisi l'occasion d'en plagier le concept en faisant appel aux fameux Sapeurs pour vanter les mérites de leur bière. Une démarche pourtant assez peu élégante... il est dès lors assez facile au vu du résultat de leur tailler un costard sur mesure! »

Be the judge!

  • Antonio

    06.02.2015 - 19:38

    I’m pretty sure that most people don’t actually understand the VO in the second ad (it’s Portuguese from Angola).It has very little to do with Sapeurs. It’s more focused on being proud of your country and on how people in Angola do things differently. Again, this is just my take on it.

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