Joe la Pompe, since 1999

“Masked to unmask copycats.”

An elephant never forgets / Une mémoire d’éléphant

pee2004 pee2010
Nissan Pick-Up – 2004
Source : Cannes SHORTLIST (2005),
Agency : TBWA Paris (France)
New Volkswagen Touareg – 2010
Source : Cannes 2010 Longlist
Agency : Mudra DDB Mumbai (India)

Eng “The lookalike is so gigantic I don't even know where to begin. Same idea, same angle, same scenography, very same african landscape : perfect copy! But unfortunately for this creative team, Joe is like an elephant... he never forgets.”

Fr « Comme l'éléphant, c'est absolument énorme! La ressemblance va jusqu'au cadrage, à l'angle de prise de vue et au décor... Un éléphant c'est bien connu ça trompe énormément... mais pas Joe, qui lui, a une vraie mémoire d'éléphant! »

Be the judge!

  • jpsandoval

    07.15.2010 - 16:14

    i dont think its a copy.

    we must realise that sometimes, we, the creatives think the same way-.

    winners go further though-.

  • joelapompe

    07.19.2010 - 11:57

    I agree with you but in this particular case it’s very hard to believe! The first one get noticed around the ad world and get a Cannes Shortlist… the second one came 6 years after. It’s not « parallel thinking » to me

  • connection 67

    07.26.2010 - 17:19

    …and Mumbai agencies have a tendency to cut creative costs…food for tought

  • JP

    01.11.2011 - 12:54

    It is the Stupid Art Director from Delhi who won award for DDB making copies. SHAME ON HER.

  • Shaunda Valadao

    03.02.2012 - 22:09

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