Joe la Pompe, since 1999

“Masked to unmask copycats.”

Only bad guys wear leather or fur / Une Méchante ressemblance

Noah / People for Animals – 2004
« Those who wear fur
have no respect for life »
Click the image to enlarge

Agency : Jung von Matt Hamburg (Germany)
Peta – 2024
« People who wear leather
are more dangerous that you think »
Click the image to enlarge

Agency : Archer Troy (Mexico)

Eng “The creative idea : Be wary of people who wear fur or leather. In short, wearing clothes that involve killing animals makes you comparable to the bloodthirsty tyrants and worst bastards in history. The dictator changes but the concept is completely identical, as well as the framing and the attitude of the protagonists. Copy or coincidence? History will judge!”

Fr « L'idée créative : Il faut se méfier des gens qui portent de la fourrure ou du cuir. Bref, porter des vêtements qui impliquent de tuer des animaux vous rend comparable aux tyrans sanguinaires et aux pires salopards de l'histoire. Le dictateur change mais le concept est totalement identique, ainsi que le cadrage et l'attitude des protagonistes. Copie ou coïncidence? L'histoire jugera! »

Be the judge!


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