The world most difficult job / Faux entretien, vraie copie?
Eng “The world's toughest job... seems to be also creative in an advertising agency, because it's so hard to find new and unseen before ideas. By the way it's also an alltime job, with unlimited hours, often underpaid, but that's another story. Or, is it?”
Fr « Une pompe qui était aussi bien cachée que la caméra... mais c'était sans compter sur la vigilance de Joe! Visiblement le "job le plus dur du monde" de nos jours (à part le job de maman) c'est accoucher d'idées neuves. »
Be the judge!
04.18.2014 - 13:25
Don’t forget the mother of all ‘toughest jobs’ ideas.
2012, P&G
Joe La Pompe
03.11.2015 - 12:14
Another similar campaign for Interflora Mother’s Day