Joe la Pompe, since 1999

“Masked to unmask copycats.”

Two profiles exposed face to face / Deux profils face à face

profil2002 profil2013
Massin exhibition at UQAM design center – 2002
Graphic Designer : Stéphane Huot (Canada)
Drama played at Avignon Festival – 2013
Graphic Designer : P.M (France)

Eng “I usually don't display graphic design copycats, but this one was so blatant I couldn't resist. They could have changed at least the colored background but they didn't. It's quite undeniable that the second is inspired by the first.”

Fr « J'expose rarement sur mon site des disciplines extra publicitaires (graphisme, logotypes etc...) mais ce tête à tête est trop beau pour ne pas être épinglé. On sourit en voyant ça, mais le graphiste qui a créé l'annonce originale doit rire jaune... »

Be the judge!


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