Joe la Pompe, since 1999

“Masked to unmask copycats.”

Do they fight in the same category? / L’originalité est un combat

boxing2010 boxing2012
Everlast Boxing Equipment – 2011
Source : Cannes Archive, MyMinicom
Agency : Euro RSCG Düsseldorf (Germany)
Astra Zeneca « Fight for life » – 2012
Source : The Global Awards Winner
Agency : Sentrix Health Communications (Italy)

Eng “If there was a creative fight between these two print ads, which one would you consider as the winner? Is it a heartbreaker or an unfair battle?”

Fr « Si on organisait un combat entre ces deux annonces, laquelle ressortirait gagnante? En termes de DA, la bataille semble un peu déséquilibrée. Personnellement j'ai toujours à cœur de donner l'avantage à l'idée originale... »

Be the judge!

  • Rosana

    12.08.2015 - 16:15

    While I certainly agree that most of these elpeaxms are blatant copies, we cannot rule out the possibility that some of these could actually be coincidence, or rather, a convergence of ideas and culture.But, that’s not to say that the Chinese people are not the biggest copycats and the most unimaginative people on this planet.

  • Hend

    12.09.2015 - 12:36

    Kara, This article had allot of imtorpant information in it for me. In the past, I just worked by the seat of my pants and it did not have a good ending. I look forward to Part 2. Thanks Bee[]

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